Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The technology behind Avatar

I'm hard to impress. While the movie was pretty good (Ok story, Awesome FX), the technology developed for the movie is what impresses me the most.

Check out this 23min video :

The use of virtual cameras and motion capture technology is unprecedented. The amount of work that went into creating, setting up and operating such a system must be staggering.

1 comment:

  1. Great video Charles, thanks for sharing.

    It's really an excellent movie, currently my top 1 and will probably stay in my top 5.

    Great story, nice sci-fi fantastic movies with refreshing original ideas. Nice created universe with good representation of a way of living and tradition linked to the parameter of this universe. Nice messages.

    I wasn't impress by the 3D effects thought. Little cheap 3D glasses don't make it good at all, I prefer the quality of my own eyes with the nice HD display.

    I don't like the fact that cinemas more and more include 3D and make us pay more for that, just another way to make more money for something not essential lol
